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Mount Bencatil - A Medieval Monument Under the Sun

The region of Alicante in Spain is one of the most sought-after tourist destinations in Europe. While the urban centre of Alicante itself certainly boasts a wide variety of attractions, Mount Benacantil is by far the most striking structure. Many tourists will choose to hire a car from Alicante Airport and take the brief excursion to arrive at the city. The massive mountain and the castle that is perched atop will immediately come into view. No trip to Alicante would be complete without visiting this location. So, let us take a more in-depth look at this historic formation.

Alicante nocturna.

Geology and Structure

The mountain itself rises well over 500 feet above sea level, thus providing some of the most stunning panoramic views of Alicante and the surrounding regions. The north side of the rock is thickly interspersed with pine trees that have become a natural habitat for many species of birds while the south side is bare rock due to the sea breezes. Many bushes and grasses that are typical of the Mediterranean climate can be seen throughout the mountainside. Notwithstanding the vegetation (or lack thereof in some parts), a notable feature is the rock formation on its southwestern slope. It is known in Spanish as la cara del moro, which is translated to “the Moor’s face”, as it strikingly resembles the profile of a human head.


Due to the fact that this mountain represented one of the few areas of raised earth in the region, it has naturally attracted human inhabitants for thousands of years. It was first mentioned to in a book written by the Arabic geographer Al-Idrisi in the 12th century and the name Benacantil was most likely derived from the Latin word for rock which is “benna”. Many modern neighbourhoods such as those of Santa Cruz, San Roque and San Anton sit atop ancient cities that date from medieval times and earlier. While these areas are famous for their quaint cafes and corner shops, the main attraction that Mount Benacantil has to offer is the medieval Castle of Santa Barbara.

Castillo de Santa Barbara

Although Bronze Age and Roman artifacts have been found in numerous locations on the mountain, the origins of this castle have been dated back to the 9th century. It was used as a stronghold that was critical in maintaining Muslim control of Alicante and the surrounding areas. Although the Moorish name has been apparently lost to history, the modern name stems from the fateful date of December 4th, 1248. Castilian forces commanded by Alfonso of Castile who managed to capture the fortress and rename it after Santa Barbara. The reason this name was chosen is that December 4th was the feast day for this saint.

The turbulent history if this castle did not end in the 9th century, and it was indeed involved in many other conflicts. It was bombarded by a French flotilla of warships in 1691 and during the War of Spanish Succession it was actually occupied by invading English forces for three years. While its wartime role lessened in during the 18th and 19th centuries, it was still occasionally utilised as a prison before finally being abandoned. In 1963, the castle was opened to the public after years of restoration work including unique lifts that are actually installed inside the mountain itself.

Modern Times

Mount Benacantil is open to the public and attracts countless visitors each year. Scenic locations such as Park Ereta are excellent ways to enjoy an afternoon on a hot summer day. The castle now hosts the MUSA (Museo de Alicante) and tours are offered that display such rooms as the Engineer’s Hall, the Mine Room and the English Caves. After spending some time absorbing the history of the castle and mountain, visitors can also enjoy the beach of El Postiguet that is located directly at the base of the mountain.

So, it is clear to understand why Mount Benacantil is considered one of the most memorable attractions that Alicante has to offer. Due to the agreeable Mediterranean climate, travellers can enjoy the many sights and experiences that this location has to offer year-round.

Photos via Flickr Creative Commons


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